Why choose compostable packaging?

Why choose compostable packaging?

Compostable packaging is packaging that is designed to break down into organic matter under certain conditions, leaving no harmful residue. We have gone to great lengths to ensure all our packaging is plastic-free and 100% compostable. Below we have summarised the benefits of compostable packaging and how it can help to protect the environment.

  1. Reduced Waste

One of the biggest benefits of compostable packaging is that it can help to reduce waste. Traditional packaging materials, such as plastic and Styrofoam, can take hundreds of years to break down in landfills, contributing to the ever-growing problem of waste. Compostable packaging, on the other hand, can break down in as little as 90 days, significantly reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

  1. Lower Carbon Footprint

Compostable packaging is often made from renewable resources, such as plant-based materials, that have a lower carbon footprint than traditional packaging materials. For example, plastic is made from petroleum, which is a non-renewable resource and requires a lot of energy to produce. Plant-based materials, on the other hand, are renewable and require less energy to produce, reducing the carbon footprint of the packaging.

  1. Healthier Soil

When compostable packaging breaks down, it turns into organic matter that can be used to enrich soil. This can help to improve the quality of soil and promote the growth of healthy plants. Traditional packaging materials, such as plastic, do not break down and can contribute to soil pollution, which can harm plants and animals.

  1. Reduced Pollution

Traditional packaging materials, such as plastic, can pollute the environment in many ways. Plastic bags and other packaging materials can end up in oceans and other bodies of water, where they can harm marine life. Plastic packaging can also release harmful chemicals into the air and water when it breaks down. Compostable packaging, on the other hand, breaks down into organic matter that is safe for the environment.

  1. Sustainable Resource Use

Compostable packaging is often made from sustainable resources, such as plant-based materials, that can be replenished. This helps to reduce the reliance on non-renewable resources, such as petroleum, which are becoming increasingly scarce. By using sustainable resources, companies can help to protect the environment and ensure that resources are available for future generations.


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